Without Google, search engine optimization would not be the massive giant of online marketing it currently is. Google has allowed search engine optimization, often referred to as SEO for short, to becoming a leading tool in landing more traffic to websites through consistent creation of strong, relevant content. It only makes sense, then, to learn… Continue reading What Can Search Engine Optimization Do for You?
Category: Seo reporting
Top Five Reasons to Look Into Search Engine Optimization Before it is Too Late
Regardless of what kind of company you run the website for, the majority of your traffic likely comes as a result of search engines. If you are not using search engines optimization, then the site you run is probably in need of a lot of help. Here are a few reasons to get on the… Continue reading Top Five Reasons to Look Into Search Engine Optimization Before it is Too Late
In Case you Did Not Know, Search Engine Results Are a Pretty Big Deal
If you have yet to realize it, this newfangled internet thing is starting to catch on. As such, it is seeming more and more the place to advertise so the young whipper snappers can see your business. Because, as more generations that are hooked to the internet with an ethernet umbilical flood the markets, they… Continue reading In Case you Did Not Know, Search Engine Results Are a Pretty Big Deal
A Good SEO Strategy Can Drastically Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
Did you know that the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, used LEGO bricks as a means of creating a storage compartment for the 10 4 GB hard drives that were utilized to test the PageRank algorithm when the now ubiquitous search engine was still just a graduate school research project? A lot… Continue reading A Good SEO Strategy Can Drastically Increase Your Search Engine Rankings