Did you know that some companies spend thousands of dollars on search engine optimization, yet only 20-30% of web users will pay attention to the advertising in which those companies have invested? Even though that might make paid advertising seem like a dubious investment for businesses that are looking to improve their Google rankings, PPC… Continue reading The Key to Improving Your Businesses Search Engine Rankings
Category: Online marketing
The Reality of Search Engine Rankings
The improvement of search rankings is one of the number one goals for most small business internet marketing strategies. A remarkable 92% of online adults in the U.S. use a search engine at least once a day, and studies show that 75% of search users never go past page one of their results and that… Continue reading The Reality of Search Engine Rankings
In Case you Did Not Know, Search Engine Results Are a Pretty Big Deal
If you have yet to realize it, this newfangled internet thing is starting to catch on. As such, it is seeming more and more the place to advertise so the young whipper snappers can see your business. Because, as more generations that are hooked to the internet with an ethernet umbilical flood the markets, they… Continue reading In Case you Did Not Know, Search Engine Results Are a Pretty Big Deal
A Good SEO Strategy Can Drastically Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
Did you know that the founders of Google, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, used LEGO bricks as a means of creating a storage compartment for the 10 4 GB hard drives that were utilized to test the PageRank algorithm when the now ubiquitous search engine was still just a graduate school research project? A lot… Continue reading A Good SEO Strategy Can Drastically Increase Your Search Engine Rankings
Getting Sales Through Searches
In just one year, the amount that the internet is used on mobile devices will overtake the amount that the internet is used on desktop computers. That means that, in 2014, most people will be using mobile internet devices. It is crucial for businesses to do internet marketing. The most effective manner of online marketing… Continue reading Getting Sales Through Searches
What Most SEO Blogs Today Cover
SEO blogs are everywhere these days, covering everything from mobile web usage, which is expected to completely overtake desktop web usage by next year, to the companies like Google that are making waves across the SEO industry and the online world as a whole. Some of these SEO blogs cover trends and topics, while others… Continue reading What Most SEO Blogs Today Cover
Four Ways That SEO Will Improve Business Revenue
According to reports, more than 88 percent of web users that are older than 14 will research products online in 2012. 40 percent of them will use social media to follow up for information before they buy. In order to achieve a sufficient quantity of web traffic to your business, it is important that you… Continue reading Four Ways That SEO Will Improve Business Revenue